Think your work world is turbulent now? You ain’t seen nothing yet…
My big takeaway from 30+ years of incredibly varied work projects: we have entered a multi-decade period of increasing turbulence that will impact each of us in profound – and often unsettling – ways.
Unfortunately, our institutions and work concepts are designed around 19th century realities of employment and work practices, and are highly resistant to the adaptation, agility, and rapid evolution demanded by 21st century realities.
Until they begin to tackle this fundamental design limitation, today’s organizations will increasingly and continually struggle to deliver the performance demanded of them, further stressing the work teams they depend on and driving increasing levels of disruption and stress in our individual careers.
Rethinking and re-purposing ourselves, our teams & our organizations for sustainable success in our modern world is the design challenge that fascinates me and underpins all the work I do. It is where I focus and apply my skills and training in systems-thinking, strategic design, team alignment, and process and tool development.
One major design theme: how to better leverage the growing “Free Agent workforce” to build greater levels of adaptability and resilience into our organizations. This requires us to think differently about our organizations, our employment models, and about how we structure our work.
Have I got it all figured out yet? Not by a long shot. It’s a massively complex challenge area that will totally consume the rest of my working days.
To date, I have made solid progress on developing a set of practical and easy-to-implement “performance tool kits” for driving career, team, and organizational success. And I’m busy continually researching, piloting, and adding new tools to the tool kit.
Want to know more? Drop me a line so we can start a conversation and discover ways in which we can collaborate to mutual advantage.