This blog post was written by guest blogger Vanessa Holwell. Posted 17th September 2020.
Are you ready to grow and translate your professional skills and talents to achieve success in a post-pandemic world? The 10 resources below will help you to do it! Read on for some tips on clarifying your personal and professional skills, expanding your knowledge base and abilities, and using your hard and soft skills to make money in a post-pandemic world.
Clarify Your Professional Skills
Before you can start growing your personal and professional skills, you’ll need to clarify your greatest passions, talents, and the areas you could improve on.
- Start by finding your purpose in life. Ask yourself these four questions to discover your greatest passions and how you can follow them for post-pandemic success.
- Make a list of your personal and professional skills that could be translated to future job opportunities. Personal skills include professionalism, integrity, adaptability and loyalty, while professional skills include things like marketing, IT, computer programming, and typing speed.
- Identify the skills you’d like to improve on for post-pandemic career success. According to Entrepreneur, skills in creativity, social intelligence, digital literacy, and virtual collaboration can help you to stand out from the competition.
Expand Your Skills and Knowledge
Now that you’ve identified your personal and professional skills — as well as the ones you’d like to improve on — these resources will help you to grow your skill set and knowledge base.
- Join the Career Constructors’ Free Agent Bootcamp to build on your skills, improve your self-confidence, and reinvent yourself as a working professional in just eight short weeks.
- Explore the various business degrees you can earn online through accredited universities like Western Governors University (WGU). Depending on your career goals for a post-pandemic world, you could obtain an online degree in business management, marketing, accounting, or information technology (IT) management.
- Learn new skills online through podcasts or by volunteering with a local nonprofit organization.
- Build strong leadership skills with these seven strategies from The Muse.
Monetize Your Talents and Skills
Once you’ve identified your professional skills and expanded your knowledge base and abilities, these resources will help you to monetize your expertise for post-pandemic success!
- Use your skills and knowledge to become a professional blogger, online course creator, freelancer, eBook author, consultant, affiliate marketer, or YouTuber.
- Start a small business in construction, accounting, personal training, writing or editing, landscaping, photography, tutoring, or another speciality area.
- Market yourself on- and- offline with these seven top strategies from The Motley Fool.
In order to succeed in a competitive post-pandemic job market, now is the time to grow your skills and learn as much as you possibly can. Whether you go back to school, take an online course, or watch a few video tutorials, you’ll be expanding your knowledge, learning in-demand skills, and setting yourself up for post-pandemic success!
This blog post was written by guest blogger Vanessa Holwell. Vanessa can be reached via email at: