TEDtalk by Kelly McGonigal about the science behind stress. Interesting stuff and well worth watching -- key take-away: "caring creates resilience". Awesome thought for a stressed out society.... ... [Continue Reading]
This is your spider. This is your spider on drugs.
Just came across a fascinating article about what kinds of webs that spiders under the influence of various kinds of drugs actually weave -- as it turns out, they weave all kinds of crazy things! Check out the short article here , and then for your ... [Continue Reading]
The science behind standing
I've been using a standing desk now for about 8 months, and I am a very enthusiastic endorser of the practice now. I find that my work quality is better, I am more productive, my energy levels are better, and overall I just feel a lot more effective ... [Continue Reading]
Willful Blindness (book review)
Recently I read Margaret Heffernan's book "Willful Blindness" (2011, Random House). The byline of the book really says it all: "Why we ignore the obvious at our peril"... In my own research work, I have been pondering this concept of "willful ... [Continue Reading]
Obesity: Toxic behavior #1 and growing…
I came across an infographic today (included below) that lays out the costs of obesity. In the USA, one out of every 3 adults clocks in as obese; in Canada it is currently 1 in 4. Not only shocking, but I don't see it shrinking anytime soon... My ... [Continue Reading]
You got crabs in your bucket?
A while back, I remember reading a most interesting thing about a key difference between fishing for lobsters and for crabs. Apparently with lobsters you have to keep a watchful eye as once caught and dropped in a bucket, lobsters will keep trying to ... [Continue Reading]
Planning for successful change (part 2 of 5)
In the first post in this 5-part series, I introduced a 5 step model for driving successful and sustainable change in your life. To recap, those steps are: Tuning your language, setting the goal, and visualizing success; Describe your starting ... [Continue Reading]
Planning for successful change (part 1 of 5)
In a recent public newsletter, I committed to developing a series that break down the whole "goal setting and achieving" thing into 5 steps. As the first in that series, I want to set the stage with a bit of a preamble. First off, I'm assuming ... [Continue Reading]
Our deepest fear
A good friend of mine sent me a note about my recent blog "4 Obstacles to Pursuing Your Dreams" and in her comments passed along this great quote from Marianne Williamson (who, up to now I must confess, I had not heard of). Apparently, based on her ... [Continue Reading]
transform/21 — the process of mastering change
If you feel like a lot of your life comes down to being a hamster on a wheel, then this blog post may just be worth reading. transform/21 is the formal name of my "mastering change" newsletter, where I share with my readers the best tools, articles, ... [Continue Reading]