Nope. I did not go to Durban. No, I have not been to any of the global climate change confabs that have been held regularly since the earlier 1990's, seemingly to little actual tangible successes. With Canada now officially withdrawn from the Kyoto ... [Continue Reading]
Another supply chain contamination incident…
Just a few days ago, I blogged about the tainting of soft drinks through supply chain malfeasance here. I just came across this blog entry by Guardian writer George Monbiot which outlines the facts behind a very interesting -- and hard to trace -- ... [Continue Reading]
Deregulation: it’s not the “easy” answer…
A recent article from George Monbiot over at the Guardian examines the role of government and regulation in the market and looks at the new announcement coming from the UK Health Secretary regarding "streamlining regulation" in the food industry. ... [Continue Reading]
BP: When a “wake-up call” probably isn’t
There is lots of discussion about how the current BP Gulf of Mexico situation is a "wake up call" for the government and for Big Oil. We said the same thing about the banks and the global economic meltdown of 2007/08. It is not that I don't think ... [Continue Reading]
Business reform, not (just) bank reform
Now that the economic meltdown of 2007-2009 is starting to shrink away in our rear-view mirror, all the talk through the US, the EU, the G20, and various other camps is centered on "bank reform". Whether we're talking about new taxes on them, ... [Continue Reading]
Reform, withdraw, or “damn the torpedos, full speed ahead!”
In a recent blog entry "Money's Hunger", Guardian newspaper columnist George Monbiot ponders the quandry we're in by asking: "Industrial civilisation is trashing the environment. Should we try to reform it or just watch it go down?" (his blog at ... [Continue Reading]