Just came across a fascinating article about what kinds of webs that spiders under the influence of various kinds of drugs actually weave -- as it turns out, they weave all kinds of crazy things! Check out the short article here , and then for your ... [Continue Reading]
Obesity: Toxic behavior #1 and growing…
I came across an infographic today (included below) that lays out the costs of obesity. In the USA, one out of every 3 adults clocks in as obese; in Canada it is currently 1 in 4. Not only shocking, but I don't see it shrinking anytime soon... My ... [Continue Reading]
Ads/trailers for “Men Behaving Badly” (Cdn.edition)
I weighed in on the current shenanigans playing out in Canadian federal and municipal politics: the Mike Duffy/Senate expenses story, and the Mayor Rob Ford/crack smoking video allegation. Here is my blog post satirizing it all as a new Canadian ... [Continue Reading]
New reality show: Men Behaving Badly (Canadian edition)
I don't usually resort to commenting on either politics or TV shows. I want to stay above the fray, I honestly do. Still, it is pretty hard not to have some strong negative opinions about the 2 current pilot episodes of the new reality series show ... [Continue Reading]
Change management? Change required = management
Last evening I sat through a very informative presentation given by a colleague of mine; the topic was on why Canadian industry is suffering from an "innovation gap" (comparatively speaking, based on international ranking systems) and what the ... [Continue Reading]
Kyoto, Durban, COP17, and me
Nope. I did not go to Durban. No, I have not been to any of the global climate change confabs that have been held regularly since the earlier 1990's, seemingly to little actual tangible successes. With Canada now officially withdrawn from the Kyoto ... [Continue Reading]