I came across a great blog entry this morning which I wanted to share here as it has a great deal to do with how job searchers have to build credibility in the early stages a networking activity before people will be receptive to their message. ... [Continue Reading]
The confusing world of labeling
I came across this article today in the TreeHugger newsletter and it got me thinking (again) about the general challenge of desiring accurate, meaningful, and useful labeling to aid us in our role as active consumers. What I find most interesting is ... [Continue Reading]
“What to do after you’ve made a mistake”
This is a posting from a blog entry on "Tech Republic" that I thought would be useful, re-posted in its' entirety. Not really much to add to this, although I would suggest dwelling on the thought at the end of post: "When someone says they don’t make ... [Continue Reading]
The world of the Recruiter
Here is a great article I just stumbled across today -- it is titled "10 Things Recruiters Won't Tell You" and it certainly rings true to me. So if you are currently in a job search and you've shopped your CV around to a bunch of industry "head ... [Continue Reading]
More (or less?) skills needed…
I came across this job/career article in the San Jose Mercury News which is definitely worth a quick spin through and some noodling about how it relates to you and your career (or job search). The headline grabber is about how many job seekers in the ... [Continue Reading]
Shooting down some common career myths
I came across this article in one of the many newsletters I receive in my in-box; this one struck me as a well constructed set of "myths" that many of us have bought into over the years. This blog post is from "Tech Republic" which is an IT centric ... [Continue Reading]
Do you know what you are worth?
If you are like the majority of working people out there, you willingly exchange a significant portion of your labour and talents for the ongoing promise of some kind of stability, predictability, and financial remuneration. You know this as your ... [Continue Reading]
Anti or pro business…?
I've just come from a very productive meeting with a gentleman who has very a impressive business and government policy pedigree; the intent of the meeting was to get some feedback from him on the Business Detox Project and some insights on how I ... [Continue Reading]
Paying to not produce oil
Came across an interesting article in TreeHugger about the UNDP paying Ecuador up to $3.6B not to develop a specific oil field. In my mind the interesting thing this does is set another price-point that can be used to help estimate the total cost of ... [Continue Reading]
Paying for externalities?
Great article here from Chris McDonald's business ethic blog about companies voluntarily paying for externalities and how this should be interpreted -- as hush money or doing the right thing... The basic idea is, I believe, sound (no pun intended if ... [Continue Reading]