Guest article by Patrick Young (pyoung AT ableusa.info).
Side hustles can be defined as exploring your interests for extra income while working your regular job. They can be fun and exciting but can make it possible to burn the candle at both ends. You need to take care of yourself during your side hustle. You’re your greatest resource, don’t burn yourself out.
Include Exercise
Some people think that extreme exercise is the only way to reap health benefits. The reality is that drastic changes can be more difficult to sustain. Setting realistic goals and remaining consistent can help you maintain your fitness regimen. Most forms of activity, whether in short bursts or a longer duration, can improve your cardiovascular and mental health. Find an exercise you love that can be completed in 30 minutes, like dancing, walking, swimming, or hiking. Short bursts such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking farther away from a building’s entrance, or using a standing workstation can all benefit your health.
Find Work-Life Balance
Many forms of technology can aid in finding work-life balance. Online tools like task lists and time management tools can help you be efficient. Certain software can streamline work too.
If your current career is grueling and unfulfilling, it may be time for a change. If you’re looking to find more rewarding work, Career Constructors can help you develop a strategy to achieve your goals.
Establish Boundaries
An important key to self-care and work-life balance is knowing when to say no. Each day gives you a limited number of hours to accomplish everything. Creating boundaries keeps you emotionally stable. Start by identifying what you need to avoid burnout or loss of focus, then communicate your needs without overexplaining. It may be helpful to explain the consequences in case someone ignores your boundaries. Look online for free worksheets for some extra help in asserting your needs.
Add Proper Nutrition
Your body and mind require quality fuel to make powering through your day easier. Limit your consumption of processed foods while adding healthier options. Stash nonperishable snacks in your car or office. Dried fruit, peanut butter, trail mix, and pre-popped popcorn are all good options to keep hunger at bay. Prepare some easy meals by searching online for recipes with no more than 10 ingredients or meals that can be assembled in under 20 minutes. Sandwich wraps, buddha bowls, or a casserole you make ahead can save time and money while nourishing your body. Use apps or websites to meal plan and build your own recipes with the ingredients in your pantry.
Keep Organized
One astonishing fact is that being organized increases your well-being. Your stress is lowered, and you can better focus on the important things in life. You also become more efficient in your work or play. Remove everything you can from your closet or kitchen cabinets and donate anything you haven’t used in six months. Throw away expired foods and spices. Keep whatever you use the most on the closest shelf.
Tie Everything Together
Your side hustle will only thrive as long as you do. Self-care is essential to maintain your energy and mindset and live a healthier lifestyle. If you’re ready to revamp your career, contact Career Constructors today.