What is “career futureproofing…?”
Much like literacy was a care skill for driving 19th century industrialization, career literacy — “futureproofing” — is a core skill for success in the 21st century working world
- It’s the ability to purposefully and elegantly navigate around career disruptions like layoffs, organizational restructurings, role changes, new technologies, etc.;
- It’s proactively identifying evolving career opportunities (potential internal moves, different organizations, side hustles, part-time gigs, freelance projects);
- It’s successfully developing and landing the most meaningful opportunities.
In the following short (10 minutes or less) videos, you’ll walk through each of the steps in the seven-step process for futureproofing yourself. (You can download the accompanying written document here)
INTRODUCTION: Futureproof yourself, challenging times ahead.
Step 1: Commit 5% of your time to building your own platform.
Step 2: Develop, monitor, and maintain your weekly heartbeat.
Step 3: Develop you most “compelling, highest value story”.
Step 4: Practice sharing your story. Practice networking.
Step 5: Be curious. Ask questions. Explore your world.
Step 6: Build and manage your opportunity pipeline.
Step 7: Find and join a supportive, encouraging community.
Step 8: Take Action. Now.
It’s not enough just to read the document, or watch the videos. From those you know WHAT you need to do — the tough part is going from the knowing-phase to the action-phase.… actually moving to action to put what you now KNOW about futureproofing into practice for yourself — SO YOU CAN MOVE YOUR OWN GAME FORWARD.
Here’s two options: First, explore the Free Agent Bootcamp — an eight-week intensive, fully virtual reinvention process that will take you through the all-important Steps 3 through 6 of the futureproofing process. Second, if you’re looking for community (Step 7 of the futureproof process) that encourages you while holding your feet to the fire and helps you develop into a more successful business person, check out the Free Agent Collective. Join a group of like-minded professionals that will help you grow and prosper.